Curiosity - The window tax

Thursday 4 February 2010

William III was in a financial crisis in 1696 due to the wars with Ireland and on the continent. One new idea that was brought in to help pay for the debt was the unpopular window tax. The tax was payable on houses of more than six windows, so the clever tax-dodgers simply got hold of a builder to brick up the other windows. Houses with nine windows would pay 2/- (10p) and ten to nineteen windows the cost was 4/- (20p). In 1851 the window tax was scraped and a new tax called house duty a forerunner to community charge became payable.

4 comentários:

HUGO said...

Dear Teacher Lígia Silva;

Very funny! :D

here's an idea for Socrates!...

see you in class...

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Dear Hugo
I love your sense of humour.
I hope he doesn't have that idea, otherwise lots of windows would be closed.
Have a smashing weekend!

Miguel Pedro said...

Someday, don't very far from now, we will pay the air we breathe.

I hope that "Só trocas" can't see this comment.

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Hello!Not very far from now...These comments are private my dear student.