"gotta" love the classics!

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Hi everyone!

I´m here to tell you about some music classics... rock classics.

I mean, who doesn't know about rolling stones?or even the knopfler brothers?
There are plenty more but I really have to say that my favourites are,with any doubt, Dire Straits.
Skipping my opinions... the knopfler brothers, that I told you about, are the two brothers who created Dire Straits one of them is the vocalist and the other plays the guitar.
furthermore, they were a band, a British 70´s rock band, that was extremely successful in that decade. At first they recorded a demo that included the song "sultans of swing"( that I love to) and quickly got famous throughout the whole world. Although they made a lot of great songs, the vocalist decided to put a end on "Dire Straits" to start his new solo project, in the 90´s, I think.

I´m sure that a lot of you already know who I´m talking about, but for the ones who doesn't I think you all should just go to youtube and watch some of their musics, You are certainly going to recognise some!

here is one of my favourite songs of them: http://youtu.be/YIHMPc6ZCuI
Hope you like!

Leonor Dias 10ºA

1 comentários:

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Dear Leonor
thanks for the post. The oldies remind me of my youth and the good old times when we had to escape on saturday afternoons to go and dance at a friend's house where parents were away.
Have a nice break
Prof. Lígia Silva