Downton Abbey - A Very British Show

Sunday 30 September 2012

Hey there everyone, I just came by to  talk about the new TV show I’m watching, it’s called Downton Abbey, a British production which is very British indeed!
I've only watched some episodes from the first season but I’m in love with it. The story starts in 1912 and follows an aristocratic British family to the 20th century. The show is an amazing portrait of life at that age. Marriage, love, women rights, tradition, evolution, and prejudice… And not only the high classes are represented; we can also be in touch with the lives of the servants who work at Downton Abbey, a really old property in the Yorkshire.
This TV show has received many awards for its quality; actually it won a spot in the Guinness book as the most acclaimed British show of the year. A Grammy also confirmed the mini series success, joined by a Golden Globe a year later.
I’m really fond of this show because I really enjoy epic productions, they are my favorite actually, so I’m delighted. I also can say that the actors are great! If you like the genre and if you are looking for something to watch this is great. If you don’t check Game of Thrones (completely unrelated but I watched it in the summer and I also adored it!).

See you around!
Inês Ribas

4 comentários:

Anonymous said...

Professor McGonagall, is that you?

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Yes, is her! And she has an amazing role!

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Hi dear students

do not forget to sign your comments, otherwise I will have to delete them.

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Dear Inês

I haven't watched this series, but I love these British productions. They are very good indeed.
maybe it will be on again sometime and I'll have the chance to watch it.
Thanks a million
Prof. Lígia Silva