About Precious:

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Hello everyone, just passing by to share my thoughts on the movie we saw on the last English class.
I guess that this movie, Precious, gives us perspective. With this I mean that we spent our lives consumed in our own problems, especially at our age, without realizing how lucky we are sometimes. I don’t mean that we must be always happy and completely satisfied because that’s not humanly possible, but it is really important to value some parts of our lives, that we sometimes take for granted, like a safe home, a good education, a family who loves us, food on the table every day.
Of course this is a really strong and touching movie and I believe that it is not about this one girl but about many girls in the world with similar stories of tragedy and strength. But, although it is tragic, I don’t think that the movie was made to make us feel pity for the many “Precious” in the world, this is not a story of a “poor little girl”, this is a story of how a great and valuable human being broke through unthinkable pain and suffering, this is a message of hope. 

Greetings, Inês Ribas

2 comentários:

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

My dearest student
You words are written with intelligence and your english is excellent. You're absolutely right when you say that sometimes we overlook important things in life to stick to unimportant ones. Precious is really the symbol of a strong and unrelenting human being as she never gave up fighting.
Thanks a lot
Prof. Lígia Silva

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the compliment teacher, I'm glad you enjoyed my work!

Inês Ribas