My Halloween

Wednesday 7 November 2012

I spent my Halloween at my cousin's house with some friends and some girls. When I got to my cousin's I just started trying to socialize with everyone and then we started doing various games, playing table football, billiards and cards and over the night I started to know people better those who were at the party and that we did not know each other. After that we ate cake and then immediately we went to the pool until  it was time to go back home. I enjoyed myself a lot.

Acácio Pereira

2 comentários:

Anonymous said...

Hey Acácio, it is great to see that you had an awesome Halloween! Great post!
Diana Barros

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Hello Acácio
How nice of you to share something with us. I hope this is not the last post and I enjoyed the surprise.
Thanks a lot
Prof. Lígia Silva