Letters to Juliet

Friday 9 November 2012

On Saturday, I watched ''Letters to Juliet''. It's an excellent movie, I loved it.
This movie has been in my watchlist for some time but I had never watched it before. It's really amazing and I think, with no doubt, you should see it.
Sophie (Amanda Seyfried), a young girl, decided to go on holiday with her fiancé, Victor (Gael Carcía Bernal) but he only cares about work because he wants to find suppliers around the world to open his business. While Victor is in conventions, Sophie joins the Secretaries of Juliet, to kill time. The Secretaries of Juliet were women who answered to love letters, leaving with no answer.
One day, Sophie found a letter from a woman named Claire (Vanessa Redgrave), who waited for a response for 50 years. She decided to answer that letter. His grandson, Charlie (Chris Egan) shows up wanting some responsabilities.
Later on they look for Claire's true love, Bartollini Lorenzo (Franco Nero). But this isn't an easy task because there are many Bartollini Lorenzo in the area.
Now I can tell you what happens. Who gets who. But, in my opinion, the film becomes more beautiful and interesting if I don't spoil it for you.
I hope you watch it, it's well worth.

Cristiana Dias 11ºB

3 comentários:

Anonymous said...

I have never watched this movie, but I will watch it for sure. It was a great option not telling us about the end, great post!
Diana Barros

Anonymous said...

thanks Diana.
it's a great movie, really!

Cristiana Dias

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Dear Cristiana
I haven't watched the movie but I'll try for sure. Above all, it is good that you share something you've liked with us. Anyway, I find Vanessa Redgrave a great actress and I had the wonderful chance to see her on a play in London with her daughter (unfortunately her daughter died some years after that).
Thanks a million
Prof. Lígia Silva