Protect the earth

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Wildlife Management Institute

WMI was established in 1911 by sportsmen/businessmen gravely concerned about the dramatic declines of many wildlife populations. Its founders saw need for a small, independent and aggressive cadre of people dedicated to restoring and ensuring the well-being of wild populations and their habitats.

76th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference

March 14-19, 2011

Westin Crown Center
Kansas City, Missouri
Join the industry leaders dedicated to the conservation, enhancement and management of North America's wildlife and other natural resources.

Highlights of the conference include: Plenary Session with featured speakers, Concurrent Special Sessions on key topics to natural resources management, Committee and Working Group MeetingsWorkshop and Special Events

Ass: Giselda

3 comentários:

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Dear Giseld
thanks for the post. I'll try to go to the conference, but I don't know if this will be possible. Shall we go together?
prof. Lígia

Anonymous said...

Dá que pensar.
É isto o que andamos a fazer?
Qual o nosso papel no meio disto?
Como denunciar para se fazer sentir, ouvir e compreender que o tempo urge e que todos somos culpados?
Temos que deixar de olhar para o lado e entender, muito bem, o que o espelho nos diz e nos quer meter pela cara dentro.
Esta é a nossa terra, a nossa casa, não a terra dos outros nem a sua casa. Aqui falamos e agimos na primeira pessoa.

prof. Céu

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Dear Céu
thanks a million for your comment.
It is important for the students to see that some teachers care and like their work.
prof. Lígia Silva