A poem about the last unit

Sunday 27 February 2011

      You probably remember that our English Teacher asked us to elaborate some kind of song or poem about the last unit we have studied. This is my work, I hope you like it!

This world is such a craziness
Everyone can touch our sadness
That all of us got stuck inside
Hidden between the fakeness and our pride

Most of us keep so quiet
We can only think of our belly
Always fighting to maintain a diet
When others, across the world don't have bread or jelly

How can we be so complaining
Idiots, racists and always demanding
To be superior to those who are outside
Watching our steps glass-eyed

Please say something!
 Can't we do anything?
Are we trying everyday not to die?
Then how can we say such a lie?

Raquel Moreira 12ºB

1 comentários:

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Dear Raquel
I loved your poem and it is so real. What are we doing to each others? Greed and money seem to rule the hearts of a minority.
Thnks for the poem.
Prof. Lígia Silva