Consequences of consumerism - "Madonna - Get stupid remix"

Friday 16 April 2010

Hello everybody! As you all know, at the English class we are working the topic “Consumerism”.
This is a video from Madonna. At one of her concerts included in the “Sticky and Sweet Tour” she performed this video, which is a remix from one of her musics. She has the habit to always perform a remix of one of her songs with the purpose to show people some of her concerns.
I know that many people don’t particularly like her songs, but I thought that this one would help many of us, (students), to see what are the consequences of consumerism, and that it could make it easier for us to speak in class about this topic.
Hope you like it!
(By the way, if you like Madonna you have to see the DVD of her “Sticky and Sweet Tour”, in Argentina. It’s AWESOME!)

Raquel Moreira, 11ºB

1 comentários:

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Dear Raquel
I Knew that one day you'd come up with something good and you did it.Thanks for feeding the blog and not letting it die.
Of course I'm waiting for more.
teacher Lígia