
Sunday 19 June 2011

I wish all my students all the luck! Don't get nervous before the exam, relax taking a deep breath and think that everything will be fine. And ...it's just one more small effort and you'll be on holiday following the

2 comentários:

Diogo said...

Thanks teacher,
but the exams success doesn't depend on how lucky we are, but on how intelligent and how much we have studied. I don't think I'll be very happy after the exams so I've to enjoy while I'm waiting for the results.

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Dear Diogo
of course exams don't just depend on luck, luck it is only a tiny factor, but study and knowledge are strong factors. You're intelligent, you need to find your own path and I'm sure you'll be very good and you'll strt studying for the love of knowing new and interesting things.
A hug
Prof. Lígia