Women domestic violence

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Hello everyone!

 One of the topics we have discussed in class was about human rights. Everyone has the right to be respected and treated equally, but that doesn't happen all the time. There are many cases of disrespect and disregard, but I'm going to focus more on  domestic violence and women. Of course, there are occasions where the woman becomes the agressor, but usually that's not what happens. The woman, as any other human being, has the right to be respected. The woman of the Middle Ages was usually seen as the "man's slave" and this still continues to happen  nowadays, although not so frequently. Lots of men look at women as their own property and don't accept some attitudes they may have, and that leads them to use violence. They hit them, make them suffer and sometimes they might kill them. This is the so called violation of human rights, because it's a lack of respect and consideration for the woman. Statistics show that in to 2011 in Portugal, there were about 6737 victims of domestic violence in which most of them were women.
Women don't deserve this kind of treatment and a lot of them don't press charges against the agressor with fear of the consequences. 
 For all those women that are afraid of living, there is the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV) where they are welcome and with their help they can change their life.

Soraia Silva 11ºB

1 comentários:

Teacher Lígia Silva said...

Dear Soraia
Thanks for the post. Unfortunately the numbers of victims in Portugal is scandalous. There is a strong patriarchal tradition in Portugal and it is a very conservative society where the father and the husband still reign most of the times. Poverty among women also allows them to be dependent and more fragile.
Prof. Lígia Silva