Monday, 28 February 2011
His experience is astonishing. Although he is young, his adventures all over the world (approximately 100 countries ) “enriched his soul” and made him capable of describing his life as a book of adventures where he found the happiness doing what he wants to do.
The photos of his journeys were amazing, and his will to fight all the world trends and live like he wants is a message of courage to deal with life and enjoy it.
Personally, I would like to travel a lot, enjoy the wonders of the world and make that my lifestyle, opposing the traditional path that we are taught to follow.
But… My motives would be different because although I agree with his lifestyle, my ideals are different. Probably I would travel and live around the world to get away from this system and fight for some ideas that I defend.
I would go to find out other cultures and ways of seeing life. Just to learn about how other people live and deal with nature around them.
Generally it was worthwhile to think about alternative lifestyles and to see that maybe the way to find our happiness can be out of the world of work in a building for 8 hours every day.
About my class tomorrow, I’ll try to make it fun and create a space when we can all laugh, participate and learn. The theme will be a surprise and I hope you all enjoy it. The main objective is to improve a bit our general knowledge and make you think about a very actual theme that started a long time ago.